10. SERGEY BRIN Sergey Brin is an American Computer scientist and internet entrepreneur. He was pursuing his PhD at Stanford University where he met with Larry Page. Brin and Page built a search engine page which became popular in the university. They suspended their PhD degree to startup Google which was the modified version of the search engine page idea.He co-founded Google with Larry Page. Brin was the president of Google's parent company Alphabet Inc. until December,2019. 9. LARRY PAGE Lawrence Edward Page is an American computer scientist and Internet entrepreneur. He is co-founder of Google along with Sergey Brin. Larry Page was the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Alphabet, Google's parent company till December,2019. 8. CARLOS SLIM HELU Carlos Slim Helu is a Mexican business magnate, investor and philanthropist. He derived his fortune from his extensive holdings in a considerable number of Mexican companies through his conglomerate. His conglom...